Chofa Herbs
Helps improve the digestive system
Helps reduce blood fat
Reduces the risk of colon cancer
Reduces blood pressure
Reduces blood sugar
Helps the intestines absorb well
Helps flush out toxins from the body
Helps expel mucus that sticks to the intestinal wall
Reduces acne, improves skin
Reduces hemorrhoids
Reduces joint pain, knee pain, back pain
Eat without cramps, no stomach bloating, normal bowel movements, no headaches, no heart palpitations
Not medicine, 100% real dried herbs
The taste is fragrant, sweet, easy to eat, not bitter
Drinking regularly has no side effects because
- Use herbs in the right proportion
- Use several boiled herbs together
- Eat once a day before bed
- As long as you still eat meat and fried food with oil every day, the intestines will accumulate fat every day
- Suitable for people with high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes
- Prevents colon cancer, reduces blood pressure, reduces high cholesterol, cleanses toxins in the intestines
- Suitable for people who have had difficulty defecating for a long time because of heavy elements
1 bag can be eaten for 2-3 weeks can lose weight 2-7 kilograms
Size: 120g
Thailand FDA number: 74-2-03357-6-0006
***Import restrictions of individual countries are applicable for all internet purchases. Buyers are therefore responsible for ensuring that the product can be lawfully imported to the destination without documents. All the payments are NON-REFUNDABLE!***
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